Saturday 18 October 2008

I wish for a better day.

I really have no ide of how to continue.
The second coming of Jesus seems to have a better chance of happening, rather than me having a somewhat decent life.

The only things I look forward to, seems to always be crushed, like an ant under a boot.

There's nothing in my life - I really, really like. I live in the hope of another good moment, in the dream of a better life, if I just hang on a bit longer.
I've hung on for a long time now. It's getting too much for me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore.

Am I going to live on, seeking that one moment, where everything changes to something better?
I think not.
Am I going to give up?
Maybe. For the time being, it's a good chance that's the choice I'll make.
Am I going to pray? No. I don't believe there's a God. Or multiple for all that matters. I don't thin someone would let someone feel like this, without giving a sign that things 'll work out in the end.

I've had no signs, whatsoever. There's been nothing to make me think that my life isn't peaked. I'm starting to think it is. I've had my moment in the sun. Now it's time for me to go away.

I'm afraid. Afraid of being alone the rest of my life. Yes, I might get friends at some point. But when? Will I ever be someone, someone can love? Will that someone ever show up, or will she stand forward, only when it's too late?

Time is running out, dear, please, save me!


Anonymous said...

Don't give up mate. Bad things happen and yes it sucks but good things happen too and maybe they have been lacking for you lately but they will come.

Hold on to the future as you will have plenty of chances to have fun and happiness and they are worth waiting for.

People care about you, never forget that

Anonymous said...

Aw :( Jeg blir så trist av og lese tingene du skriver. det er utrolig bra skrevet! jeg blir skikkelig rørt.. Jeg håper du vet jeg er her for deg? <3 for det vil jeg alltid være! jeg har lest gjennom hele bloggen din, og jeg er skikkelig imponert over hvor flink du er. engelsken din er også utrolig bra. jeg er så glad i deg <3